Your advisory board to enter and dominate new markets

We are a market research and product marketing agency with a data-driven approach. We help IT companies to enter new markets, launch new products and play in highly competitive fields.
How we can help
Market Research
Gain an ultimate understanding of your new market or niche. Discover market size, target audience specifics, key players, strategies, and tactics.
Competitive Analysis
Get prepared for future competition - both direct and indirect. Understand their best products, competitive advantages, monetization, traffic generation strategies to develop the winning launch plan.
Positioning and Unique Selling Proposition
Good positioning statement is the key to the entire product success. Product, marketing and sales refer to it. Get advice on how to clearly differentiate from competition and focus your team.
Product Launch - US, Europe, Middle East, India
Data-driven strategy and a step-by-step plan to successfully launch your product or new market. If you don’t have an experienced team to make the plan happen, just borrow ours.
Your Go-to-Market Advisory
Implementation makes all the difference. Power up your team with a part-time advisor to keep on track and adjust on time.
Product Marketing for IT Companies
Set up a data-driven product marketing function so you can constantly convert your traffic into leads and new clients.
Corporate Workshops for Product Managers
Hands-on workshops on market research, competitive analysis, positioning, product marketing, product launch, data-driven growth
Mystery Shopping for Enterprise Software Companies
Coming soon
1-1 Consultations
The second opinion is often a good idea. 1-1 online consultations.
Some of Our Projects
Complex Market Research for New Product
The IT company had a product MVP and 2 market ideas for it. They wanted to understand the market potential, compare to competitors, and get recommendations on product positioning, key competitive advantages, killer features, pricing, go-to-market strategy.
What we did
  • Product analysis (target audience, JTBD, features)
  • Ideas on competitors - direct and indirect
  • Ideas on relevant markets for the product
For each market
  • Detailed market overview
  • Market size evaluation
  • Competitors’ analysis and comparison
Recommendations on
  • Product positioning
  • Key competitive advantages
  • Monetization and pricing
  • Go-to-market strategy and plan
Market and Competitors’ Analysis
The IT company wanted to get a detailed understanding of the market and competitors for their product idea. The report was intended to develop a go-to-market strategy as the next step.
What We Did
  • Product analysis (target audience, JTBD, features)
  • Market overview
  • Market size evaluation (TAM, PAM, SAM, SOM)
  • Competitors’ overview
Advisory on Product Growth
The US-based mid-sized company founder needed some external advice on how to grow his company.
What We Did
  • Quick audit
  • Bi-weekly consultations
  • Discussion of previous weeks results
  • Action plan for next weeks
Product Launch Strategy and Action Plan
The SaaS company planned to launch the new product. They needed advice on the best strategy and support during its implementation.
What We Did
  • Defining the product goals and expectations
  • Quick product and market analysis
  • Synchronization with internal product and marketing teams
  • Consultative support during the product launch weekly syncs
Recommendations on
  • Product launch strategy
  • Step-by-step action plan
  • Target metrics
Meet Our Team
  • Focuses on SaaS and B2B IT product growth for 15 years. Evangelizes data-driven approach and product-led growth strategies
  • Product lead with a marketing background and passion for competitive intelligence and market research
Our Experts in Media
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